WelcomeTwo daughters

TWO DAUGHTERS CLUBguide us towards our goal and ensures a life of dignity and security of the girl Child. We focus on women and girls to enable them to realise their rights, avail resources and opportunities, fight social injustice, develop leadership capabilities and build a better future for themselves.

Our Vision
Our main aim to change the mindset of society about girl child and respect those parents who have only daughters or Two Daughters.

Our Mission
Two Daughters ClubClub mission is to erase gender discrimination in each section of our society. Saving girl child is a major step to develop any country and the whole world. We all are aware about the status of girls in the present scenario in India, so our mission is to change the concept of GIRL Child situation in INDIA. Two Daughters Clubbasically, focuses on the People of this country who have been blessed to become parents of Two Daughters. These parents have done well, groomed their Daughters so well, that today the parents are proud of their Daughters success.

Our Campaign Goal
Women and girls from the most marginalised communities are empowered, live in dignity and their households have secure and resilient lives. Two Daughters Club will accomplish this goal by working in all over India to help them meet their health, education and livelihood entitlements.

Our Core Values
Focusing on parents who have been successful on their careers despite of being parents of Two Daughters and this club will celebrate their success stories and experience of being parents of Two Daughters. Two Daughters club will felicitate both Parents and Daughters in their successful life Journey. As this will provide inspiration in entire nation to Parents, who have daughters as well as Parents who have only Daughters.